Friday, August 6, 2010

Backstage Festival IV

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Hi there!

The gig at Mosebacke became a very appreciated circus act conducted by Gunhild Carling.

Tomorrow it's time for the fourth Bacsktage Festival. Anders, Peter and me have rehearsed and we are going to perform as the Mountain Men. We are going to play five songs:

It's late (Bergman, Bergman, Åkerberg)
Lady With a Fan (Grateful Dead)
Shy Away from the Higher Tension (Henningsson)
Divine (Kemppainen)
Nuclear War (Bergman, Nyhlin)

The third song is a cover from Ulf Henningsson's new album, Whatsoever, which was recorded in July.

The fourth song is written by Jukka Kemppainen. I don't know how, but it ended up with Jörgen Löf and me in the late nineties. We made a recording and then nothing further happened. A couple of days ago it surfaced when I was looking through some old stuff and when I listened to it I realized what a great song it is. Thank you Jukka Kemppainen! (Who is also a very good guitarist).

The fifth song has been with me since the early nineties. A guy named Petter Nyhlin and me used to jam together at my parents house. Petter and me made many songs and then we, unfortunately, lost contact. We saw each other once in Stockholm but the creative magic was gone. During the nineties Petter had a very good group called The Smash Hit Wonders. Hope he is ok wherever he is and whatever he is doing!

Take care!